
One on One Health and Life Coaching Programs

 The Deep Dive Program: You have a goal, but somehow it has managed to stay out of reach and you are ready to do something to make a change! During this 12 week program, we use the transformational habit change coaching method to clearly define your goal, and the real reasons you have not yet reached it. We will work through obstacles, celebrate the victories big and small, create new habits, and a whole new mindset along the way. Through weekly virtual meetings, implementing tools, and practicing new strategies, we will work together to investigate what works best for you. In this program there are no right or wrong answers, no prescribed diets, or list of things you must change. It is totally personalized, exploratory, empowering, and transformative. By signing up for a deep dive program, you help to ensure you won't quit when you hit obstacles because you have committed to the process of creating lasting habit change and you have me to support you along the way. Coaching offers you support, guidance, and tools to create lasting change in your life. The habit change coaching method helps to identify your habits that are not serving you, and replacing them with ones that do. By working over the 12 weeks, we slowly create new and lasting habit change. If you are ready to learn more about how this customized program could work for you, contact us for a complementary consultation! 

The Dip Your Toe In Program: Change is scary, and commitment can be too! If you feel like you just need some support to get started, want help defining your goal and your process for achieving it, or  feel like you have come a long way and just need a little push to reach the finish line, this 6 week customized program can help! We use the same transformational habit change coaching method and tools offered in the 12 week course.  Contact us to learn more about how this program could work for you.

Dazzle Coaching (Chronic Illness Group)

Fun fact, a group of zebras is called a dazzle! Those of us living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome are sometimes referred to as zebras, therefore a group of us getting together to work on our health and wellness just had to be called Dazzle Coaching, in my opinion. During this 8 week online group, we will talk about living with chronic illness, support each other,  share our experiences, learn useful tools for both the physical and mental battles we fight, and celebrate all of the wins we experience along the way. We will apply tools from the transformational habit change coaching method to bring about lasting change in our lives. You do not need to have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome to join, any and all chronic illness warriors are welcome here! Please contact us for more information and to learn when the next group is forming. 

The Moms' "Retreat" Group

Wouldn't it be great if we could grab a group of mom friends, go to a luxury wellness resort and spend a few weeks recharging ourselves?  We might not be able to do that, but in this 8 week group program, we will spend 1 hour a week "retreating" into our group zoom so that we can focus on ourselves. I know what you are thinking, "But I am a busy Mom, focusing on myself is not a luxury I have right now." As busy moms ourselves, we recognize the challenges moms face, and the growing need to be supported and to feel more confident and energized. Moms have been programmed to put ourselves last, and the mom guilt can be overwhelming. But we would argue, if you don't fill your own cup, you can't possibly pour for others. During our time together, we support each other as we learn to reframe negative thoughts especially about our bodies, how to use healthy living practices to have more energy, and ways to find connection and balance in our busy lives. We expect all participants to make this group a safe space for people to share, learn and connect.  

If we are speaking your language, and you would like to learn more about the group and when the next one is forming, please contact us! 

*This group is lead by Ashley Mitchell, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Ashley Adkins, Certified Health and Life Coach